Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs, in a non-exhaustive way, how we collect, use, share and disclose the information and Content our Users provide us, both when using Glymt's website and mobile App (collectively the 'Service')

By installing, using, or accessing our Service you understand and agree to the terms of this policy. This site is owned by Glymt and may be accessed in the United States and worldwide. Information collected can be stored, processed, accessed, and used in different jurisdictions.

Glymt wants to constantly improve the Services, based on the information we collect and the feedback we receive from our users, so from time to time it might be necessary to update this policy, if so updates will be posted on our Services.

Users can request to delete all data from their account by requesting to delete the account on the settings page.

Glymt does not use any personal or billing data, it will only use anonymized data from video tags, viewing history and editor projects to train content recommendation engines and quality control filters.

Information Upon Registration

As a visitor you may explore our website, although in order to fully experience our Services, it is necessary to create an Account.

It is possible to create an Account at Glymt through a third-party service, such as Facebook or Gmail. If you choose to do so your Glymt account will be linked with your Facebook or Gmail account, also Glymt will collect and store the information you gave your consent to share.

When registering through our Services, we may request your contact information such as your name, address and email address or phone.

In order to license videos we can direct you to a credit card processing company to bill you for the selected footage’s or request your billing information such as the card number, expiration date, card type and the billing address of your credit card.

When videos are licensed we may request the Contributor information such as payout email, and account information, again we can also redirect you to a third-party company.

There is a section called “Interests”, where you can select your preferences and preferred video shooting themes, Glymt will use this information to send you targeted request from our database and customize your feeds and search results.

Personal Information Update

Personal information can be updated and edited at the “My Account” page, for our Users' protection some information can only be changed by email, contacting us at

Your Personal Information will be displayed in our Services, and is therefore public, so you should consider what kind of information you are willing to disclose in your account.

Location Data

Glymt can collect and store your location information provided in your IP address as well as the information embedded in the videos you upload in our Services. This information will be useful when editing and publishing your video or recommending locations. Glymt collects this information to optimize the user’s experience, and to make searching more efficient.

Third-parties and Cookies

Glymt uses trusted third-party companies to provide and analyze data, which may include data storage, database management, web analytics, billing and payment processing. Glymt will share only the necessary information with the third-parties, to execute the action requested.

Our services may automatically collect information as you browse, also known as web analytics, to personalize your experience and improve our Services, as we try to better understand our user's needs.

In our Services we use Cookies to help us understand your preferences for future visits and process aggregate data about our Services traffic and site interaction so that we can further improve our user's experience. A Cookie is a small text file that we transfer to your web browser, that enables us to provide you with a targeted service and understand aggregate user trends.

Log Data

Glymt servers record information generated by your use of the Service. This may include information from the Device you use, such as your IP address, operating system, browser type, the pages you visited, information you search in our Service, location preferences, metadata concerning your files and other interactions with the Service.

We collect and use your personal information to operate and improve our service, as well as to perform research and analysis to better display content that better matches your interests and preferences.

Information Disclosure

Your personal information may be shared within our corporate group, including with our subsidiaries and divisions. That information can only be used for the purposes disclosed in our policy.

If Glymt is involved in a merger or acquisition, our user's information may be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any of the acquirers of Glymt or of our assets may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Glymt does not sell your personal information to third-parties. Although we might share it or disclose it with your agreement, in certain circumstances, such as if you use a third-party application to access your account. We may also share or disclose your public information such as your public User profile information, public posts, the people you follow or that follow you or the number of users who clicked on a particular video.

Glymt will disclose your information to law enforcement authorities, if we consider it to be reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request, or to protect the safety of any person either from death or injury and to address fraud, security or technical issues of our Services. This Privacy Policy does not intend to limit any legal defenses or objections that you may have to any third parties, including a government's.

Referral Program Emails

We encourage you to share our platform, and for such purpose you can use the referral feature, to invite your friends to join you at our community.

A name and email address are required, for Glymt to send the potential user an email inviting them to our Serviçe.

Underage Users (or under 18 years)

Glymt does not wish to solicit or collect Personal Information from anyone who is a minor or under the age of 18. If you are a minor or under 18 years old, do not enter information on this site or engage with our services.

Nonetheless if you are aware of someone under the age of 18 is using our service please contact us at The information provided by users under the age of 18 will be removed, and the account terminated.

Further Questions

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices of this service, you can contact our Privacy Officer at

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